Do I need a nipple shield?
Moms often come home from the hospital with a nipple shield. Why? Why do nurses and lactation consultants give out nipple shields so often?
There have been times when, in the lactation community, nipple shields were a four-letter word. They were believed to lower milk supply and cause early weaning.
Luckily, there is no longer any evidence to back this outcome. Modern nipple shields are very thin silicone that fit well on the mother’s nipple. Most brands are shaped like a crescent moon so that baby can smell the nipple, areola and breast. When worn correctly, they can be part of healthy breastfeeding relationship.
But why does it seem like EVERY mother is using them? Is there something wrong with our nipples? Or our baby’s mouths?
As can be said about many health issues in the US, it’s not our bodies that are the issue, it is often our healthcare system that is to blame. Many hospitals have great lactation support but they are often understaffed. And without properly covered in-home postpartum support, hospital staff do the best with the time and resources they are given. And that often means giving a mom a nipple shield in place of an adequate lactation consult.
Nipple shields can be a great tool at times. Many mothers use them for months or more! But they can get annoying to use every time and are often lost (they’re small and clear!). Have you been using a nipple shield and now want to wean off the shield? Book a consult and I can help!